Trout Spey

Trout Spey for the 2019/ 2020 Season

For the 2019/ 2020 season I am attempting to become a really good spey caster, use the right gear for the Tukituki, and learn where the fish are while I am waiting for the rise. This series of posts explains the logic to what I am using, why I am fishing and what I learn across the season.

This is a collection of articles that are going to be frequently added to as I learn more about Trout Spey.

Trout Spey | Trout Spey Background | Trout Spey Gear | Trout Spey Lines | Trout Spey Flies I Proven Emergers | Trout Spey Flies II – Wee Wets & Soft Hackles |Trout Spey Flies III Traditional StreamersTrout Spey Flies IV – Fly Durability |Trout Spey Casts | Understanding Spey Casting